result count: 3

Sys122795_nameWill KanchesWill Kanches
Sys122795_szquestnpctextAl principio me resultó difícil convencer a <CY>Ailic</CY> y los suyos de dedicar todos sus esfuerzos al proyecto de investigación. Pero mientras v<CY>Ailic</CY> y su gente estén convencidos de que este lugar encierra un verdadero tesoro del conocimiento no debemos preocuparnos en absoluto por problemas transitorios.To start with I had great trouble convincing <CY>Ailic</CY> and his people to pursue the research project with the utmost determination. But as long as <CY>Ailic</CY> and his people are convinced that this place represents a real fountain of knowledge, we really don't have to worry about current problems.
Sys122795_titlenameCapitán de los piratas de AilicCaptain of Ailic's Pirates