result count: 3

Sys122845_nameCharlie JacksonCharlie Jackson
Sys122845_szquestnpctextWszystko przygotowane do podróży. Teraz trzeba tylko przenieść rzeczy do [ZONE_NANTI_VILLAGE|Wioski Nanti] i przekazać [SC_PIRATE_ERIC|Piratom Ailica]! \n\nPytanie, kiedy wyruszymy?Everything set and stowed ready to set off. Now we just have to get the stuff to [ZONE_NANTI_VILLAGE|Nanti Village] and hand it over to [SC_PIRATE_ERIC|Ailic's Pirates]! \n\nI just wonder when we'll set off?
Sys122845_titlenamePirat ShotakShotak Pirates