result count: 7

SC_NPC123099SPEAK_01Demandez à [123099|Tatakka] comment soigner les personnes touchées par le [SC_THE_POISON_OF_LIFE|Poison de vie].Ask [123099|Tatakka] how those affected by the [SC_THE_POISON_OF_LIFE|Poison of Life] can be cured.
SC_NPC123099SPEAK_02Dja Bang ! Dja Bang ! Le <CY>Poison de vie</CY> a touché l'ami du héros !\n\nMême si l'ami est encore conscient, cela na va pas durer. Plus l'immense force de la vie se diffuse dans son corps, plus il perdra la raison.\n\nSon apparence va ensuite se modifier, il ressemblera de plus en plus à un fantôme. On nomme cela <CY>l'arborification</CY> ! Dja Bang !\n\nMais ne vous en faites pas, héros ! [123099|Tatakka] sait comment guérir le <CY>Poison de vie</CY> !Ka-bang! Ka-bang! <CY>Poison of Life</CY> has infected hero friend!\n\nEven if friend is still conscious, this will soon pass. The more the powerful venom spreads through his body, the weaker his mind will become.\n\nThen his appearance will change and become ever more like that of spirits. This is the treeification! Ka-bang!\n\nBut do not worry, hero! [123099|Tatakka] knows how to cure <CY>Poison of Life</CY>!
SC_NPC123099SPEAK_03Alors... que faire maintenant ?And...what should we do now?
Sys123099_szquestnpctextPas de problème ! [123099|Tatakka] peut vous aider !\n\nDja Bang ! Dja Bang !Don't worry! [123099|Tatakka] will be able to help you!\n\nKa-bang! Ka-bang!
Sys123099_titlenameChaman XabouXabu Shaman