result count: 3

Sys123175_nameWill KanchesWill Kanches
Sys123175_szquestnpctextSeguro que esos [SC_PIRATE_STARK|Piratas Shotak] han tenido que reunir una gran cantidad de riquezas para organizar una base como esta en un lugar tan inhóspito.\n\nDebo admitir que tengo un mal presentimiento. Hay algo que no me gusta...That it's possible to set up such comfortable quarters in such hostile territory as this shows that the [SC_PIRATE_STARK|Shotak Pirates] must have collected some significant riches on the quiet.\n\nNevertheless, I have to admit I have a bad feeling about it. Something is in the offing...
Sys123175_titlenamePiratas de AilicAilic's Pirates