result count: 11

SC_123337_1How to get to [ZONE_JEDS_TOMB|Kidd's Grave]?
SC_123337_2Whoever activates the three control points can get to [ZONE_JEDS_TOMB|Kidd's Grave]. But they've already been destroyed. Once the pirates reached [ZONE_JEDS_TOMB|Kidd's Grave], they found the tomb empty, and believed the legend of Kidd's treasure to have been nothing but a fairytale.\n\nYet some people began to wonder why there was absolutely no trace of a coffin in [ZONE_JEDS_TOMB|Kidd's Grave]. They began to reason that the riddle wasn't quite complete. Its solution required the three objects we have found.
SC_123337_3How do you use the [243011|New Moon Tooth] and the other objects?
SC_123337_4The three objects are the keys required to venture into the depths of [ZONE_JEDS_TOMB|Kidd's Grave] - to the place where the coffin lies.\n\n[123345|Sismond] had to collect the three objects so he could reach Kidd's mortal remains, and find out where the true treasure was.
SC_123337_5How can we find [123345|Sismond] now?
SC_123337_6Sismond has presumably reached the burial chamber and destroyed the mechanism, blocking our progress. We're already using all our energies to find a way to repair it.
SC_123337_7Are we too late?
SC_123337_8We've redoubled our efforts, but we have to help in so many places.\n\n[123345|Sismond] will need time for his spell, but we need to hurry if we're to reach him in time.
Sys123337_szquestnpctextI'm sure you have come prepared to hear from me how bad the situation has become. I bet you have become immune to bad news.
Sys123337_titlenameAilic's Pirates