result count: 4

Sys123376_nameEnoch DamphEnoch Damph
Sys123376_name_pluralEnoch DamphEnoch Damph
Sys123376_szquestnpctext[SC_BLACK_NPC_TACK_01|Aventurero, estoy buscando unos objetos antiguos llamados "Recuerdos antiguos". Si los encontráis y se los entregáis a la gente del Códice Negro, quizás recibáis una generosa recompensa.][SC_BLACK_NPC_TACK_01|Adventurer, I'm seeking a few old things that are commonly referred to as "ancient mementos." If you were to find some and turn them over to Black Codex staff, then perhaps you would be in line for a generous reward.]
Sys123376_titlenameCódice NegroBlack Codex