result count: 3
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys123572_name | Bodwin Daniels | Bodwin Daniels |
Sys123572_szquestnpctext | Poco antes de que lo hicierais vos, me acerqué al tablón de anuncios. Quería colocar un anuncio para informar a la gente de que el [ZONE_WINDBRINE_CASTLE|Castillo Brisal] ha obtenido refuerzos externos, para terminar con los rumores. Por desgracia olvidé los clavos, así que llevé a cabo otras tareas primero. Lo importante es que por el camino nadie me atacó. En resumen, el objetivo sois vos, no yo. | I went to the bulletin board shortly before you did, wanting to pin up a notice informing people that [ZONE_WINDBRINE_CASTLE|Brinewind Castle] had received reinforcements from without, and finally put an end to all those rumors. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a nail with me, so dealt with some other little jobs instead. Nevertheless, the main thing is that I wasn't attacked en route. Basically what I mean to say is that that means you're the target, not me. |
Sys123572_titlename | Comandante Segundo del Regimiento de los Halcones | Second-in-Command of the Falcon Regiment |