result count: 4

Sys123663_szquestnpctextMi pierna... ay... ¡Me duele mucho! ¡Ay! Si [123615|Esteban] y su gente no hubieran ido a esa reunión sin sentido en el granero y se hubieran quedado para ayudarme, ahora no tendríamos esta escasez de personal. \n\nAhora están sentados en el granero discutiendo sobre cosas inútiles. Pero cuando hay problemas de verdad, se esconden... ¡Son todos unos cobardes, hacedme caso!My leg... oh, it hurts so much! Humph! If [123615|Estafan] and his lot hadn't gone to that pointless meeting in the barn and had helped me instead, we wouldn't be so short of hands!\n\nInstead they're just sitting around in the barn debating pointless business. When there are real problems to deal with, that's when they shirk out and make themselves scarce... nothing but a bunch of cowards, believe you me!
Sys123663_titlenameHabitante de la granjaFarm Resident