result count: 3

Sys123758_nameNigela KochNigela Cook
Sys123758_szquestnpctextLe <CY>[SC_Z32FALCON|Régiment du Faucon]</CY> a toujours approvisionné les troupes de l'<CY>Armée impériale</CY> en provisions d'urgence. Mais la situation du [ZONE_NORTHERN_STRONGHOLD|Bastion du Nord] est devenue très explosive ces derniers temps.The <CY>[SC_Z32FALCON|Falcon Regiment]</CY> has always provided the troops of the <CY>Imperial Army</CY> with supplies in times of need, but the situation in the [ZONE_NORTHERN_STRONGHOLD|Northern Stronghold] has been particularly dicey of late.
Sys123758_titlenameAutour du régiment du fauconHawk of the Falcon Regiment