result count: 2
keystring | eneu |
Sys123899_name | Baron Gelsor |
Sys123899_szquestnpctext | [SC_Q427259_1|You're no more of a fool than I am. That's why I knew that your search for clues to these people would lead you to the [ZONE_TEMPLE_OF_THE_SOUTH_RIDGE|Mountain Temple]. But you couldn't know I would be one step ahead.\n\nThese people belong to a group known as the "Shadow Bandits". In turn, they're a sub-group of the "Raven Guard". They've got a few nasty tricks up their sleeve, normally going under the guise of the Runic Mission to recruit new members and set up their temples all over the place.\n\nEven the dead spirits spurn such insidious methods.] |