result count: 4

SC_Q123957_1I found a few [<S>204821|Secret Documents].
Sys123957_nameFeylulu Pularpos
Sys123957_szquestnpctextThe <CY>Raven Guard</CY> apparently have a large base somewhere in the [ZONE_Z33_FAYTEAR_UPLANDS|Moorlands of Farsitan]. The [ZONE_TEMPLE_OF_THE_SOUTH_RIDGE|Mountain Temple] seems particularly suspicious in my eyes, but given the heavy guard, it wouldn't be easy to sneak in there.\n\nOn the other hand, we were able to secure a number of interesting documents from one of their earlier camps, which provided plenty of information about their organization. If you happen across any similar documents, make sure to bring them to us so we can analyze them.
Sys123957_titlenameHawk of the Falcon Regiment