result count: 3

Sys124380_nameAydan HighlanderAydan Highlander
Sys124380_szquestnpctextAunque tenemos más trabajo que tiempo y el cansancio comienza a causar estragos, debemos hacer de tripas corazón y seguir adelante. ¡Paso a paso lograremos llevar a cabo nuestra misión!Even if it feels like there's not enough time for the tasks at hand, even when tiredness threatens to veil our minds and overwhelm us, we must not give in! We have to brace ourselves and stay focused. One step at a time, we're edging towards our goal!
Sys124380_titlenamePresidente de honor del Gremio de Aventureros de SombrargentadaHonorary Chairman of the Silvershadow Adventurers' Guild