result count: 3

Sys124493_nameAydan HighlanderAydan Highlander
Sys124493_szquestnpctextEl [ZONE_RUNECAST_RAMPART|Bastión Demoníaco] es la base principal del [RESTLESS_SONS|Círculo de los Inquebrantables] en [ZONE_ENOH_ISLAND|Enojh]. ¡El combate definitivo con Kadnis tendrá lugar aquí!The [ZONE_RUNECAST_RAMPART|Demon Bastion Camp] is the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League's] main base of operations on [ZONE_ENOH_ISLAND|Enoch]. The decisive battle with Kadnis takes place here!
Sys124493_titlenamePresidente de honor del Gremio de Aventureros de SombrargentadaHonorary Chairman of the Silvershadow Adventurers' Guild