result count: 7

SC_NPC_124694_OPTION_01I want to take a break from the Decryption Event.
SC_NPC_124694_OPTION_02I want to continue with the Decryption Event.
SC_NPC_124694_OPTION_03Thank you for your help.
SC_NPC_124694_TALKWe've set up <CP>[124697|Transport Circles]</CP> at various important locations within the [ZONE_MYSTERIAL_ROOM|Enigma Zone] to be able to send heroes deep into the area. The [109895|Resark's] digital manipulation can cause the [109895|Transport Circles] to become invisible. They will become visible again once the [124697|Resark] is defeated.\n\nWhat's the current situation? If you want to start out, I can transport you back.
SC_NPC_124694_TALK_1Great, thanks for joining in. Help the Misty group to gather more [626476|dimensional data]!
SC_NPC_124694_TALK_2The event has ended. Thanks for your help. Shall I transport you back?
Sys124694_nameToris Misty