result count: 5

SAY_200938_0Todavía no tenéis esta misión.You don't have this quest yet.
SAY_200938_1Recogéis el [200938|Ala de colores] y brilla. Os dais cuenta de que pertenece a [$VAR1].You pick up the [200938|Colorful Wing] and it glows. You realize that it belongs to [$VAR1].
Sys200938_nameAla de coloresColorful Wing
Sys200938_name_pluralAlas de coloresColorful Wings
Sys200938_shortnoteUn ala con plumas de colores brillantes.\n(Botón derecho para usarla y ver su color verdadero.)A wing with brightly colored feathers.\n(Right-click to use and inspect its true color.)