result count: 3

Sys202034_nameLote de atuendo del noble montarazNoble Ranger Costume Package
Sys202034_name_pluralLotes de atuendo del noble montarazNoble Ranger Costume Packages
Sys202034_shortnoteAl abrir el lote obtendréis:\n[222906|Casco con máscara del noble montaraz (hombre)],\n[222907|Traje del noble montaraz (hombre)],\n[222908|Perneras del noble montaraz (hombre)],\n[222909|Botas del noble montaraz (hombre)],\n[222910|Guantes del noble montaraz (hombre)]\ny 5 [<S>204073|Agregadores estándar].\n[SC_COOLSUIT07|<CY>Solo para personajes masculinos.</CY>]\n[SC_COOLSUIT01|<CY>(Ctrl + clic con el botón izquierdo para ver el contenido.).</CY>]Opening this package will give you:\n[222906|Noble Ranger's Mask Helmet (Male)],\n[222907|Noble Ranger's Suit (Male)],\n[222908|Noble Ranger's Leggings (Male)],\n[222909|Noble Ranger's Boots (Male)],\n[222910|Noble Ranger's Gloves (Male)],\nand 5 [<S>204073|Standard Aggregators].\n[SC_COOLSUIT07|<CY>Only for male characters.</CY>]\n[SC_COOLSUIT01|<CY>(Press Ctrl + left-click to see what is in the bag) </CY>]