result count: 4

SC_202862_1Ayvenas découvrit que ces animaux étaient fragiles : ils se blessaient, tombaient malades et mouraient. Ils connaissaient la peur et ne savaient comment s'en protéger. Ils étaient petits et faibles.\n\nAlors Ayvenas, dans sa grande sagesse, donna aux animaux des dons et des caractéristiques pour les différencier. Et les animaux formèrent des tribus, les ancêtres des peuples du monde.Ayvenas discovered that these animals he created from the mud were very fragile. They would become sick and die. They would bump into things and be injured. If they were threatened they would become fearful. They did not know how to protect themselves. These were the smallest and weakest animals of the world.\n\nHence Ayvenas wrote in Taborea how he separated and instructed the animals of the world. He made it so that they had different abilities and characteristics. Slowly those animals with similar characteristics gathered together to create a tribe. These tribes gave birth to the various peoples of the world.
Sys202862_nameLégendes de Taborea, page 4Legends of Taborea, Page 4
Sys202862_name_pluralLégendes de Taborea, page 4Legends of Taborea, Page 4
Sys202862_shortnote(Clic droit pour lire).(Right-click to view.)