result count: 4
keystring | fr | eneu |
SC_202863_1 | Les tribus poursuivaient chacune leur propre but et vivaient en paix, et Ayvenas vit que c'était bien.\n\nSans y prendre garde, il se demanda ce qu'il adviendrait si la paix était rompue. Sa pensée fut consignée dans le Taborea et le monde commença à changer. | All the tribes of the world worked towards their own goals. They calmly developed in peace. Ayvenas was pleased. He wondered what would happen if the world was not peaceful, so he wrote this down, too.\n\nBut without him noticing it, this thought entered into the book and the world began to change. |
Sys202863_name | Légendes de Taborea, page 5 | Legends of Taborea, Page 5 |
Sys202863_name_plural | Légendes de Taborea, page 5 | Legends of Taborea, Page 5 |
Sys202863_shortnote | (Clic droit pour lire). | (Right-click to view.) |