result count: 6

SC_203663_0Hacedlo dentro del [ZONE_THRONE OF THE WIND|Trono del Viento].You need to use within [ZONE_THRONE OF THE WIND|Throne of the Wind].
SC_203663_1Arrojáis la bolsa con todas vuestras fuerzas y las piezas de oro se dispersan.You throw the bag with all your might and the gold pieces scatter.
Sys203663_nameBolsa con monedas de oro malditasBag of Cursed Gold Coins
Sys203663_name_pluralBolsas con monedas de oro malditasBags of Cursed Gold Coins
Sys203663_shortnoteUtilizadla cerca del [ZONE_THRONE OF THE WIND|Trono del Viento] como ofrenda al Dios del Viento.Use near [ZONE_THRONE OF THE WIND|Throne of the Wind] as an offering to the God of Wind.