result count: 3
keystring | es | eneu |
Sys204518_name | Poción del escuadrón de centinelas | Soldier's Healing Potion |
Sys204518_name_plural | Pociones del escuadrón de centinelas | Soldier's Healing Potions |
Sys204518_shortnote | Los miembros del escuadrón de centinelas siempre llevan encima dos frascos de esta poción. Sin embargo, si resultan heridos en los [ZONE_SECLUDED_DEPTHS_SWAMP|Pantanos Perdidos], no lograrán utilizar las pociones con suficiente rapidez. | The soldiers always carry two flasks of this potion with them. However, if they end up being injured in the [ZONE_SECLUDED_DEPTHS_SWAMP|Forsaken Swamps], they can't get their hands on the potion quickly enough. |