result count: 9

SC_205648_0You don't need to use this now.
SC_205648_1You understand the situation. You should report back to [113312|Esha] right away.
SC_205648_2You have to get close to the [113213|Earth Element Totem] first, and then use the [205648|Light Powder].
SC_205648_3You feel miserable and furious at the same time.
SC_205648_4You have to get close to the [113212|Wind Element Totem] first, and then use the [205648|Light Powder].
SC_205648_5You feel like you want to break out and continuously struggle.
Sys205648_nameLight Powder
Sys205648_name_pluralLight Powder
Sys205648_shortnoteA powder that can reveal energy. Shaman's often use it to examine engravings.\n[SC_USEITEM_01|<CY>Right-click to use this item.</CY>]