result count: 6

SC_205757_1You already understand the situation. Hurry up and bring the [205757|Mood Crystal] back to the Druid, [113378|Cartier].
SC_205757_2You have to get close to [102170|Zurhidon Captain] before you can use the [205757|Mood Crystal].
SC_205757_3You hear [102170|Zurhidon Captain] speaking intermittently...\n\nThe thoughts coming from his mind are just like he's personally speaking to you...
Sys205757_nameMood Crystal
Sys205757_name_pluralMood Crystals
Sys205757_shortnoteThere is a strange blue light surrounding it. The power of nature that [113378|Cartier] imbued it with gives it a special effect...\n\n[SC_USEITEM_01|<CY>Right-click to use this item.</CY>]