result count: 7

SC_205764_0The Cold Truth of Betrayal
SC_205764_1Brother, I have always thought that you should be king, but your sudden replacement by our brother Sharleedah has given me great cause for concern.\n\nI have always thought you are the most suited to sit on the Naga throne. I also have my doubts about Lady Hansis' motives for insisting on your replacement, especially given how quickly they sent you to the [ZONE_THE MOLTEN BRIDGE|Steel Bridge of Cremation]. We both know what's going on here. None but the Naga can survive the [ZONE_THE MOLTEN BRIDGE|Steel Bridge of Cremation] because of the high temperature, let alone pass over it. It's a backwater.\n\nPlease forgive my presumption, but to right the wrong they have done you I ordered our brother be watched.\n\nDo you remember our years of training in the city?\n\nSuch happy days, preparing to attack the world of man and training the soldiers under our command, but even then...our brother had already started plotting to push you from the throne that is rightfully yours. Lady Hansis and yourself...had already agreed to it.\n\nSo despicable, so vile... He is a traitor. I cannot stand to call him brother!
SC_205764_2Next Page
SC_205764_3Afterwards, he "advised" Lady Hansis to send you to the [ZONE_THE MOLTEN BRIDGE|Steel Bridge of Cremation]... Yes, they said it was because they rely on your power, but in fact we all know...that [ZONE_BLOODBATH VALLEY|Bloodbath Valley] is better suited to your abilities and tastes. He has done this to stymie your development and prevent you from performing great feats, because he's scared...that one day you will achieve ultimate power and return to demand everything that rightfully belongs to you!\n\nBrother, these are the results of my investigations. I can't stand it anymore. You have only ever treated him with kindness and he repays you in this way. How could you not be angry?\n\nAll the evidence that I have gathered proves that I have not misjudged our brother. You are the real victim here and you have every right to take back what's rightfully yours. That's right! Take it back off that traitor Sharleedah!
Sys205764_nameCold Truth of Betrayal
Sys205764_name_pluralCold Truths of Betrayal
Sys205764_shortnoteA letter found on [113517|Scarlet Snake General's Guard].