result count: 3

Sys205894_nameJus rocheux de nain PiedfeuFireboot Dwarf Rock Juice
Sys205894_name_pluralJus rocheux de nain PiedfeuFireboot Dwarf Rock Juice
Sys205894_shortnoteJus pressé selon la technique unique des nains Piedfeu. Buvez-le pour augmenter votre [SC_SKILLTIPS_HITP|Précision physique] et votre [SC_SKILLTIPS_MAG_HITP|Précision magique] de 3%.This juice was made with the unique techniques of the Fireboot Dwarves. Drink it to increase your [SC_SKILLTIPS_HITP|Physical Attack Accuracy] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_MAG_HITP|Magical Accuracy] by 3%.