result count: 9

SC_206446_0You do not need to use this item.
SC_206446_1You can only use this item in the [ZONE_TUMBLING VALLEY|Valley of Burning Rocks].
SC_206446_2The [206446|Bag] alone may not be enough to capture the [102517|Firesnake Captain Fenkani]
SC_206446_3This item can only be used against Naga
SC_206446_4Dead Naga cannot join in the ceremony.
SC_206446_5You try to subdue [$VAR1], but the target dodges artfully .
Sys206446_shortnoteYou must use these [<S>206446|Bags] to capture Naga from [ZONE_TUMBLING VALLEY|Valley of Burning Rocks]. Of course, you should weaken the Naga defenses first.\n\n[SC_USEITEM_01|<CY>Right-click to use this item.</CY>]