result count: 3

Sys206663_nameSummon: Heart of Honor
Sys206663_name_pluralSummon: Heart of Honor
Sys206663_shortnoteCan be used to summon a <CM>[102483|Heart of Honor]</CM>.\n\n[SC_YU_GUILDWAR_WT_04|Honor Building: <CS>[102483|Heart of Honor]</CS>\nFunction: [SC_YU_GUILDWAR_WT_04_01|Honor emanates out to a range of 50, increasing your party members' physical attack, magical attack, physical defense, and magical defense by 10%.]]\n\n[SC_YU_GUILDWAR_BUILD_39|<CY>(Note: This item can only be used during Siege War. After changing locations, the item will disappear.)</CY>]