result count: 3

Sys207949_nameSandía dulce mágicaMagical Sugar Watermelon
Sys207949_name_pluralSandías dulces mágicasMagical Sugar Watermelons
Sys207949_shortnoteSandías regadas con magia. Su piel permanece fresca incluso bajo el salvaje calor veraniego.\nAumenta los puntos de experiencia obtenidos en batalla en un 50 % y la tasa de obtención de objetos en un 20 % durante una hora.\n[SC_SHOP_ITEM_UNTIL_TIME]Watermelons which have been irrigated with magic. Their skins remain cool even in the haze of the hottest summer days.\nIncreases experience gained from battle by 50% and drop rate by 20% for one hour.\n[SC_SHOP_ITEM_UNTIL_TIME]