result count: 10

SC_208131_BOOK_0Anonymous Journal
SC_208131_BOOK_1Today, I take up a great burden. On my father's behalf, I have proceeded to the [116219|Rotteneye] interim base to keep an eye on them.\n\nFather said he needed someone he could trust to spy on the [<S>116219|Rotteneyes], lest they betray us at the critical moment.\n\nIt will be a challenge, but it is also a sign of my father's confidence in me. I must do my utmost to complete this task to his satisfaction. Even though their numbers are greater than I suspected, I still believe I can succeed.
SC_208131_BOOK_2Seventh day at the [116219|Rotteneye] interim base.\n\nIt was only with great difficulty that I located a blank record sheet, which is essential to my plan.\n\nPerhaps I am too sensitive, but I feel that in fact they are spying on me, rather than the other way around.\n\nMy actions are constrained here. Everywhere I go, there are always two [<S>116219|Rotteneyes] that follow me. I've told them not to, but they won't heed my orders. I've also tried to reason with the [116219|Rotteneye] captain, but he just called in a few guards to shut me in my room again.\n\nI overheard them saying they would move me into a more cramped room. They're also planning to keep me busy with menial labor. I may find it difficult to write in this journal again...
SC_208131_BOOK_3(It appears that this page in the journal was torn out)
SC_208131_BOOK_4Nineteenth day at the [116219|Rotteneye] interim base.\n\nThe work the have assigned me is manageable, but I am immersed in my labors with no contact with the outside world. It has been a long while since I spoke to anyone, and I am not sure I could have taken it much longer.\n\nToday, I met one of them named [116236|Padesha Rotteneye]. He is a bit older than I am.\n\n[116236|Padesha Rotteneye] treats me much better than the other [<S>116219|Rotteneyes], but he also criticized my father's plan to my face. He cannot accept that my father won't allow the [<S>116219|Rotteneyes] to participate in our activities. For this reason, I don't like this [116236|Padesha Rotteneye].\n\nNonetheless, like him or not, it is good to have someone to talk to...
SC_208131_BOOK_5I've escaped. I've escaped from the that clan. A clan that I once respected, but now can only loathe.\n\nI still don't know how long I spent at the [116219|Rotteneye] interim base...\n\nOne day, before I escaped, [116236|Padesha Rotteneye] sneaked over to where I was working. He spoke frenetically, almost in a panic, about my, I won't again call him that...\n\n[116236|Padesha Rotteneye] told me in a panic that he, that man, had already succeeded in overthrowing the government, and had abandoned the [<S>116219|Rotteneyes]. The [<S>116219|Rotteneyes] were angry, of course, and set on killing my hated...\n\nMy mind went blank. I still don't know exactly what happened. But slowly, [116236|Padesha Rotteneye] told me how things really stand...
SC_208131_BOOK_6It turns out I was nothing but a hostage from the very beginning, sent here to buy off them off. There was never a need for me to spy on them!\n\nAm I simply naïve, or is is that man just mad?\n\nFor the sake of power, would he really sacrifice his own son?!?!\n\n[116236|Padesha Rotteneye] saved me, set me free, but I cannot return to him. Nor do I wish to take revenge. In the end, I am not as cruel as he is.\n\nGoodbye forever... [ZONE_LYMUN_KINGDOM|Kingdom of Limon]
Sys208131_nameTattered Journal
Sys208131_name_pluralTattered Journal
Sys208131_shortnoteYou don't know who this worn old journal belonged to. [SC_USEITEM_02|<CY>Click to read details.</CY>]