result count: 3

Sys208349_nameMateriał Maga z Burzowego WzgórzaTempest Height Wizard's Cloth
Sys208349_name_pluralMateriały Maga z Burzowego WzgórzaTempest Height Wizard's Cloth
Sys208349_shortnoteWeź stamtąd 20 sztuk i wymień je u [110748|Larshu Shirsu] na placu handlowym [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsydianowej Twierdzy] na dowolne ubranie maga ([ZONE_EVENTDGN_WIND_WILD_ANIMUS|Ducha z Burzowego Wzgórza]).Collect 20 lots of this to exchange them for any wizard's cloth garment ([ZONE_EVENTDGN_WIND_WILD_ANIMUS|Spirit of Tempest Height]) from [110748|Larshu Shirsu] on the [ZONE_OBSIDIAN BASTION|Obsidian Stronghold] Trade Square.