result count: 3

Sys208535_nameLoyal Golden Marmoset Pet Egg
Sys208535_name_pluralLoyal Golden Marmoset Pet Eggs
Sys208535_shortnote[SC_SHOP_PET_TIME_UNLIMIT|This pet egg has no time limit. You can use it to summon the following pet:] [103782|Golden Marmoset]! [SC_SHOP_PET_STRING_FOR_GERMANY|When summoned for the first time that day, you receive [508449|Buddy Resonance]. Experience and talent points gained in battle as well as drop rate are all increased by 20%.]\n[SC_SHOP_ITEM_UNTIL_TIME|<CY>(Effect duration also includes offline time.)</CY>]\n\n[SC_SHOP_PET_DAILY_TIP|<CY>The effects of [508449|Buddy Resonance], are limited to once per day. The effect can't be repeatedly obtained when summoning the pets who give the same effect.</CY>]