result count: 7

SC_208748_BOOK_1[115301|Annelia] grows more ill. I called the doctor to take emergency measures, so there is no immediate danger, but seeing this child in such pain every day is hard on a father.\n\nThe doctor said that [115301|Annelia] wouldn't live past ten years old, but I don't want to lose her.\n\nKeluma, Dinah, just like I don't want to lose you.
SC_208748_BOOK_2I heard there was a traveling doctor in town who had cured previously incurable people. I thought he could cure [115301|Annelia], and he really didn't let me down.\n\nThis good doctor was called [117208|Domen]. He provided a technique for transforming the Divine Fruit that not only enhanced its medicinal effects, but also included a method for planting it. So, [115301|Annelia] gradually recovered.
SC_208748_BOOK_3[115301|Annelia] became ill again, and Mister [117208|Domen] said that [115301|Annelia] had an incurable heart condition. The fruit could reduce the frequency of its occurrence, but could not completely cure the disease. He said the only cure was a replacement heart, from a living person...and that the heart from a child of the same age would work best. This isn't possible.
SC_208748_BOOK_4(The last word is illegible.)
Sys208748_nameDusty Book
Sys208748_name_pluralDusty Books
Sys208748_shortnoteRight-click to read this document.