result count: 4

SC_240864_CONTENTThe Alliance has formally declared war on Maderoth. Taborea is in a state of alert. \n\nMy army has been deployed and completed investigations at different locations around the world. They will prevent the enemy from taking any action against the elemental thrones. \n\nAfter receiving their orders, operational personnel should immediately head towards their target areas and obtain the intelligence reports from the investigators there. \n\nSafety must be ensured for the intelligence reports. Negligence is unacceptable. \n\nTarget Area: [$VAR1]\n\nStation Investigator [$VAR2]
SC_240864_TITLEWinnie Sibok's Directive
Sys240864_nameMission Instructions
Sys240864_shortnoteIt includes detailed explanations and instructions for this operation. Use it to read it.