result count: 3

Sys240904_nameComida entregadaDelivered Meal
Sys240904_name_pluralComida entregadaDelivered Meals
Sys240904_shortnoteComida que os ha entregado [120069|Henry Binks]. Os hace parecer un [120000|Guerrera de la Alianza] más comiendo en la [ZONE_CENTRAL_KITCHEN|Cocina Central], lo que os permite escuchar a escondidas. \n[SC_USEITEM_01|<CY>Botón derecho para usar este objeto.</CY>]Meal given to you by [120069|Henry Binks]. It makes you look no different from any other [120000|Alliance Warrior] eating in the [ZONE_CENTRAL_KITCHEN|Central Kitchen], which makes it easier to eavesdrop. \n[SC_USEITEM_01|<CY>Right-click to use this item.</CY>]