result count: 3

Sys240922_nameSkeletal Siren Costume Bundle
Sys240922_name_pluralSkeletal Siren Costume Bundles
Sys240922_shortnote[SC_SHOP_BAG_OPEN_MALE|If your character is <CY>male</CY>, opening the package gives you:]\n1 [227540|Skeletal Siren Gloves (Male)],\n1 [227541|Skeletal Siren Vest (Male)],\n1 [227542|Skeletal Siren Cape (Male)], \n1 [227543|Skeletal Siren Leggings (Male)],\n1 [227544|Skeletal Siren Headdress (Male)] and\n1 [227545|Skeletal Siren Magic Boots (Male)].\n\n[SC_SHOP_BAG_OPEN_FEMALE|If your character is <CY>female</CY>, opening the package gives you:] \n1 [227552|Skeletal Siren Gloves (Female)], \n1 [227553|Skeletal Siren Bodice (Female)], \n1 [227554|Skeletal Siren Cape (Female)], \n1 [227555|Skeletal Siren Leggings (Female)],\n1 [227556|Skeletal Siren Magic Boots (Female)] and\n1 [228674|Skeletal Siren Headdress (Female)].