result count: 3

Sys241219_nameMagic Technician Pet (Permanent)
Sys241219_name_pluralMagic Technician Pets (Permanent)
Sys241219_shortnote[SC_SHOP_PET_TIME_UNLIMIT|This pet egg has no time limit. You can use it to summon the following pet: ]<CY>[106782|Shadowpulse Micro Golem]</CY>!\nFor 2 hours you'll also receive the <CY>[622851|Kindred Spirit]</CY> effect:\n[GUILD_TECHNOLOGYTREE_TOWER04|Increases experience gained] by 20%.\n[GUILD_TECHNOLOGYTREE_TOWER05|Increases talent points gained] by 20%.\n[GUILD_TECHNOLOGYTREE_TOWER06|Increases item drop rate of monsters] by 20%.\n\n[SC_SHOP_ITEM_UNTIL_TIME|<CY>(Effect duration also includes offline time.)</CY>] \n\n<CY>Can only be used once a day.</CY>