result count: 3

Sys241284_nameRuna Wyzwolenia EnergiiEnergy Release Rune
Sys241284_name_pluralRuny Wyzwolenia EnergiiEnergy Release Runes
Sys241284_shortnoteWygląda na to, że dzięki [241284|Runie Wyzwolenia Energii], zarejestrowano nieoczekiwane informacje. [119857|Sifan Lodongs], przebywający w [ZONE_COALITION_PIONEERS_CAMP|Obozie Sojuszu na Linii Frontu], pomoże ci je zanalizować.Through using the [241284|Energy Release Rune], it seems that the rune has recorded some special information that wasn't expected. [119857|Sifan Lodongs] in the [ZONE_COALITION_PIONEERS_CAMP|Front Line Alliance Camp] will be able to help with the analysis.