result count: 3
keystring | pl | eneu |
Sys241455_name | Kryształ Zwierzątka - Byk | Taurus Pet Crystal |
Sys241455_name_plural | Kryształy Zwierzątka - Byk | Taurus Pet Crystals |
Sys241455_shortnote | [SC_STARPET_04|Ten przedmiot jest wymagany do syntezy [SC_STARPET_05|Zwierzątka Zodiaku] w stadium [SC_STARPET_LV1|Młodym].\nAby dokonać syntezy [SC_STARPET_LV1|Młodego] [SC_STARPET_05|Zwierzątka Zodiaku], umieść potrzebną ilość Gwiezdnego Piasku z tym samym atrybutem do Magicznego Transmutora.] | [SC_STARPET_04|It's a required item to synthesize a [SC_STARPET_05|Zodiac Pet] in its [SC_STARPET_LV1|Newborn] stage.\nTo synthesize a [SC_STARPET_LV1|Newborn] [SC_STARPET_05|Zodiac Pet], place this item and the necessary amount of Star Sand with the same attribute into the fusion interface of the Arcane Transmutor.] |