result count: 3

Sys242114_nameMonture Autruche en sac (7 jours)Ostrich Mount in a bag (7 Days)
Sys242114_name_pluralMontures Autruche en sac (7 jours)Ostrich Mounts in a bag (7 Days)
Sys242114_shortnote[SC_SHOP_BAG_OPEN|Contenu du paquet :] une des montures suivantes. La vitesse de déplacement sera augmentée de 65%.\n[202231|Monture Autruche (7 jours)]\n[202472|Monture Autruche flamboyante (7 jours)]\n[202473|Monture Autruche écarlate (7 jours)]\n[202474|Monture Autruche dorée (7 jours)]\n[208695|Monture Autruche du tonnerre (7 jours)][SC_SHOP_BAG_OPEN|Opening this package will give you:] one of the following mounts. The movement speed will be increased by 65%.\n[202231|Ostrich Mount (7 Days)]\n[202472|Fire Ostrich Mount (7 Days)]\n[202473|Blood Ostrich Mount (7 Days)]\n[202474|Golden Ostrich Mount (7 Days)]\n[208695|Thunder Ostrich Mount (7 Days)]