result count: 3

Sys243031_nameHelecho brillanteLuminous Fern
Sys243031_name_pluralHelechos brillantesLuminous Ferns
Sys243031_shortnoteUn helecho robado por los [107939|Piratas convertidos en árbol]. Emite luz. Los relatos cuentan que la planta está llena de la energía vital que mana de la Tierra. Es la esperanza de los [108197|Pequeños ents marcescentes].This fern was stolen by the [<S>107939|Treeified Pirates] and [<S>107940|Treeified Pirate Wenches]. It gives off light. According to legend the plant is filled with the life force of the Earthspring. The hopes of the [<S>108197|Wilting Entlings] are pinned on it.