result count: 3
keystring | pl | eneu |
Sys243213_name | od | of |
Sys243213_name_plural | od | of |
Sys243213_shortnote | [SC_5YEARS_MES04|Talia kart na urodziny od Runes of Magic Zbierz wszystkie sześć kart: "[243209|Wszystkiego Najlepszego]" - "[243210|na]" - "[243211|tegoroczne]" - "[243212|Urodziny]" - "[243213|od]" - "[243214|Runes of Magic]". Pełny zestaw możesz otrzymać od Kekonee w zamian za 1 [203178|Klucz do Pradawnego Skarbu].] | [SC_5YEARS_MES04|A card game to celebrate this year's anniversary of Runes of Magic. Collect all six cards: "[243209|All the best]" - "[243210|for]" - "[243211|this year's]" - "[243212|anniversary]" - "[243213|of]" - "[243214|Runes of Magic]". You can exchange the complete set of cards with Kekonee for 1 [203178|Ancient Treasure Key].] |