result count: 3

Sys243271_name"Petit géant Rock 'n' Roll" - Œuf de familier (Permanent)Rock 'n' Roll Little Giant Pet Egg (Permanent)
Sys243271_name_plural"Petit géant Rock 'n' Roll" - Œufs de familier (Permanent)Rock 'n' Roll Little Giant Pet Eggs (Permanent)
Sys243271_shortnote[SC_SHOP_PET_TIME_UNLIMIT|Cet œuf de familier est permanent. Permet d'invoquer le familier suivant : ][109010|Petit géant Rock 'n' Roll] ![SC_SHOP_PET_TIME_UNLIMIT|This pet egg has no time limit. You can use it to summon the following pet: ][109010|Rock 'n' Roll Little Giant]!