result count: 4

Sys420040_nameConvincing Evidence
Sys420040_szquest_accept_detailWhat a pity... This drawing alone will be of no help if this investigation is to be continued. We must find more convincing evidence, convincing enough that the Eye of Wisdom will be unable to stop our investigation. \n\nBut I don't know what that evidence might be. \n\nHaha. But there must be evidence! I saw some strange people dragging a [110195|Strange Treasure Chest] towards the east of [ZONE_TAGRANAAR|Tagena]. It seemed that they did not want to keep what is in the [110195|Strange Treasure Chest], but they couldn't discard it either. I think there must be something inside worth looking into. \n\nYou can try to find that [110195|Strange Treasure Chest]. If you do, bring back whatever is inside. Even if it is not what I suspect it might be, at least it may provide some kind of clue.
Sys420040_szquest_complete_detailLooks like this is the [110195|Strange Treasure Chest].
Sys420040_szquest_descGo to the east of [ZONE_TAGRANAAR|Tagena], find the [110195|Strange Treasure Chest] taken away by the gathering [<S>100066|Zurhidon Disciples], and find out what is inside.