result count: 8

EM_420088_0The Shining Spear of Logar is required.
EM_420088_1You have destroyed this source of magical power.
Sys420088_nameDestruction of the Gathering Magic
Sys420088_shortnote[110060|Sharlin], researcher of the Eye of Wisdom, asked you to take the rune branch and go to the spiders' nest in the depths of the [ZONE_DEADWOOD CAVERN|Dead Tree Cave] to destroy the magic power gathering there.
Sys420088_szquest_accept_detailBecause I greatly admire Logar, I wanted to see the battlefield where he fought Pirlanok despite the town's ban on entering the depths of the [ZONE_DEADWOOD CAVERN|Dead Tree Cave]. There I saw this spear sticking out of the ground.\n\nThinking this was Logar's weapon, I pulled it out of the ground, but as soon as I did the ground beneath my feet started to shake. I was scared and wanted to put it back, but then several strange spiders suddenly appeared and started to rush towards me. So I ran out of there as fast as possible, carrying the spear with me. \n\nFrom that moment on, the strange creatures of the [ZONE_DEADWOOD CAVERN|Dead Tree Cave] turned violent, while the number of bats in [ZONE_CEVIDA GROVE|Sevaida Woods] multiplied. I know my pulling out this spear must be the cause... \n\nHaving heard your explanation, I now realize the real implications of this matter\n\nThe reason I come here every day is to see if I can re-enter the [ZONE_DEADWOOD CAVERN|Dead Tree Cave] and replace the spear somehow, but I realize that I have no way of doing that myself. So... please let me hand this task over to you!\n\nOne more thing - that first day, when I wanted to put the spear back, those spiders that attacked me were acting very strange... it was almost as if they were trying to prevent me from replacing the spear. Anyway, you had better be careful!
Sys420088_szquest_complete_detailThis ordeal has finally come to an end.\n\nI don't know how long my magic can last, and it's likely that this event may repeat itself when the magic fails or the spear is retrieved once more.\n\nBy then, however, I should think that the Eye of Wisdom will have received my report and prepared a means to deal with it!\n\nThank you, as all of this has terrified me to no end. I couldn't have done it without you.
Sys420088_szquest_descUse [201075|Sharlin's Magic Rune] to imbue the [200169|Spear of Logar] with magic once more, then enter the [ZONE_DEADWOOD CAVERN|Dead Tree Cave] and insert it into the [110092|Magic gathering point] to dissipate its growing strength. Report back to [110060|Sharlin] in [ZONE_CEVIDA GROVE|Sevaida Woods] when you have completed the task.
Sys420088_szquest_uncomplete_detailAfter taking the spear, use the magic rune to imbue the spear with power once more. Then thrust the spear into the magic gathering place to dissipate its growing strength.