result count: 7

SAY_110060_420090_1Please be quiet. I am about to activate the power of the rune.
SAY_110060_420090_2This should be enough.
Sys420090_nameDion and the Spear of Logar
Sys420090_szquest_accept_detail(You tell [110060|Sharlin] that you have already met [110063|Dion], who had the [200169|Spear of Logar] in his possession.)\n\nWhat? You say that the son of the town mayor has the [200169|Spear of Logar]?\n\nRegardless of how he came across this legendary weapon, you must persuade him to give it to you.\n\nOnce you obtain it, I will give you a magic rune that I have crafted, which can then be used to once again fill the spear with mystical power.\n\nNext, you will need to insert the spear into the [110092|Magic gathering point], which should dissipate Pirlanok's growing magic. This all depends on you!
Sys420090_szquest_complete_detailYou see, it's like this...\n\nI come here every day, but not for adventure! Now, I admit, I first came here for that purpose, but not now... well...\n\nI've made a huge mistake.
Sys420090_szquest_descGo to the entrance of the [ZONE_DEADWOOD CAVERN|Dead Tree Cave] to find [110063|Dion] and retrieve the [200169|Spear of Logar].
Sys420090_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid my father ask you to plead for my return? Wait...what's this look in your eye? It seems that you're here for something more...urgent.