result count: 6

Sys420097_nameReturn of the Letter
Sys420097_shortnoteVankelo confirms that this report is likely related to Milaya's background. Deliver the Report for the Mayor on behalf of Vankelo to George, Mayor of Logar.
Sys420097_szquest_accept_detailThis is indeed the [200206|Clue Letter] I lost! I'm overjoyed that we have it back!\n\nHowever, when I lost the letter, I also lost some very personal items, and I need to keep looking for them. Could you do me another favor and bring the letter to [110078|George]?
Sys420097_szquest_complete_detailIs [110064|Vankelo] well? He was seriously wounded because of me, and for that I owe him greatly. I will find a way to repay him.\n\nSorry, I've strayed from the matter at hand... Did you manage to retrieve any clues about [110053|Milaya's] past?\n\n[110064|Vankelo] has a letter for me? Let me see it...
Sys420097_szquest_descHelp [110064|Vankelo] by bringing the [200206|Clue Letter] back to [110078|George] in Logar.
Sys420097_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you find [110064|Vankelo]? He should be near the [ZONE_CAIRN HILL|Barrow].