result count: 5

Sys420112_nameCollect Boar Tusks
Sys420112_shortnoteHelp Dell to gather 10 [<S>200624|Boar Tusks].
Sys420112_szquest_accept_detailDell has entrusted you with this quest:\n\n"Boar teeth are easy to collect and they are the best material for making ornaments." \n\nRequired items: 5 [<S>200624|Boar Tusks] \n\nWhen you are done, [110052|Dell] in [ZONE_ROGSHIRE|Logar] will give you the reward.
Sys420112_szquest_complete_detailThis is correct! Here's your reward! Thank you for doing it!
Sys420112_szquest_descCollect 5 [<S>200624|Boar Tusks] for [110052|Dell].