result count: 6

Sys420176_namePurifying Ritual
Sys420176_shortnote[110037|Eno], shaman of Silverfall, needs 20 [<S>200707|Bumblebee Hives] to make Sacred Wax for the purifying ritual. The beehives can be found in [ZONE_MOONHOLLOW FOREST|New Moon Forest]
Sys420176_szquest_accept_detailThere is actually nothing good about [200704|Sample of Ent Dust] and since it retains some tree essence we can only cleanse it with smoke. Only through this purifying ritual can the Green Breath be called back into the forest and the primal power of Aslan restored. \n\nBut the ritual involves burning Sacred Wax, the main ingredient of which requires complete [200707|Bumblebee Hive] from the trees of [ZONE_MOONHOLLOW FOREST|New Moon Forest]. These are quite difficult to obtain, and you must keep a close eye on your surroundings as you secure them. \n\nThe life of Besta is the life of the entire Qilana Tribe... Courageous adventurer, everything depends on you now!
Sys420176_szquest_complete_detailVery good. It is exactly what we need! And it's of good quality too...\n\nOnly by using quality material can we make pure Sacred Wax, which is the necessary for the completion of the purifying process!\n\nThis is a good start!
Sys420176_szquest_desc[110037|Eno], shaman of Silverfall, needs 20 [<S>200707|Bumblebee Hives] to make Sacred Wax for the purifying ritual. The beehives can be found in [ZONE_MOONHOLLOW FOREST|New Moon Forest]
Sys420176_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe Sacred Wax is very important for the purifying ritual. And, of course, it is quite difficult to obtain! \n\nYou must be patient!