result count: 4

Sys420201_nameScholar in Qilana
Sys420201_szquest_accept_detailCan you do me a favor?\n\nI know a scholar who is doing research work at the [ZONE_KIRANA|Woodland of Qilana] in [ZONE_ASLAN|Aslan Valley]. His name is [110026|Gudisen]. He has provided us with a great deal of biological knowledge in the past. This knowledge has helped us to fight diseases that have spread through [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Silverfall]. Unfortunately, I never had the chance to thank him. \n\nHowever, a book he mentioned to me before has recently come into my possession. I would like to give it to him, but I have been too busy. I would like to entrust you with delivering this book to him in Aslan. Could you do this for me?
Sys420201_szquest_complete_detailSo master [110217|Monks] still remembers us! He really does care about us. \n\nThank you for delivering this book to me. Wait.. I have some potions here. Please take them as a thank you.
Sys420201_szquest_descGive the book "[200598|Journey of Little Hound]" to [110026|Gudisen] in the [ZONE_KIRANA|Woodland of Qilana] of [ZONE_ASLAN|Aslan Valley].