result count: 6

Sys420239_nameEl plan de NadaseezNadaseez's Plan
Sys420239_shortnoteNadaseez quiere que le llevéis el medicamento anestésico a su hermana Shanjana en Cascadargentada.Nadaseez wants you to take the anesthetic medicine to his sister Shanjana in Silverfall.
Sys420239_szquest_accept_detailPor favor, coged esta [200710|Carta para Paras], que contiene polvo de [200709|Hongo misterioso], y entregádsela a [110671|Paras]. Cuando esté inconsciente, decidle a [110038|Shanjana] que venga al campamento Qilana y se reúna conmigo.\n\nNo os preocupéis, este polvo solo lo adormecerá. No supone un peligro para su vida.\n\nIría yo mismo, pero desde que escapé, [110671|Paras] no ha perdido a [110038|Shanjana] de vista. Si me descubriera, ¡puede que no haya otra oportunidad de escapar para ella!\n\nSé que es una petición horrible, pero si pudierais ayudar a unos hermanos...\n\nSolía vivir en la casa que hay al sur de [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Cascadargentada].Please take this [200710|Letter to Paras], which has [200709|Mysterious Mushroom] powder on it, and give it to [110671|Paras]. Once he's unconscious, tell [110038|Shanjana] to come to the Qilana camp and find me.\n\nDon't worry, this powder will only make him sleep. It won't endanger his life.\n\nI would go myself, but after I ran away, [110671|Paras] has barely let [110038|Shanjana] out of his sight. If I were discovered, then there may never be another chance for her to run away!\n\nI know that this is an awful request, but if you could help out a brother and sister...\n\nI used to live in the house in the south of [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Silverfall].
Sys420239_szquest_complete_detail¿Qué le habéis hecho a mi padre?\n\nMi hermano os ha enviado... Nunca me imaginé que fuera capaz de hacer esto.\n\nEs un estúpido...What did you do to my father?\n\nMy brother called you here... I never knew that my brother would do this.\n\nHe's so stupid...
Sys420239_szquest_descCoged la [200710|Carta para Paras], cubierta con polvo de [200709|Hongo misterioso], y entregádsela a [110671|Paras] en [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Cascadargentada]. Después, cuando esté dormido, decidle a [110038|Shanjana] que se reúna con [110027|Nadaseez] en Qilana.Take [200710|Letter to Paras], which is covered in [200709|Mysterious Mushroom] powder and give it to [110671|Paras] in [ZONE_ARGENFALL|Silverfall]. Then while he is asleep, tell [110038|Shanjana] to find [110027|Nadaseez] in Qilana.
Sys420239_szquest_uncomplete_detail¿Por qué mi hermano no ha vuelto todavía? Siempre hace que todo el mundo se preocupe...Why is my brother not back yet? He always makes everyone worry so...