result count: 5

EM_420255Encontráis un cofre misterioso bajo el altar.You find a mysterious chest under the altar.
EM_420255_1El discípulo de Zurhidon deja caer un cuadrado rúnico.A rune block is dropped by the Zurhidon disciple.
SAY_420255_1¡Por fin! Así que aquí es donde se escondía. ¿No saben que uno no debe coger cosas que no le pertenecen? Bueno, devolvedlo y hacedlo rápido.Finally! So that's where it was hidden! Don't they know you're not supposed to just take things that don't belong to you? Anyway, give it back, and be quick about it!
SAY_420255_2Por otro lado... Creo que lo cogeré yo mismo, de vuestro cadáver... Me temo que es la única forma, ya que habéis visto cosas que no deberíais.On the other hand. I think I'll come get it myself, from your corpse... I'm afraid there is no other way, as you have seen things that you really shouldn't have.
ST_420255_1Es hora de ir a la Destilería y encontrar al embajador del Ojo de la Sabiduría.It's time to go to the The Distillery and find the ambassador of the Eye of Wisdom.